CPE Costa Rica
Evaluation Report:
Costa Rica

Costa Rica was the site of the pilot CPE. The country was selected because of its broad GEF portfolio, the types of GEF support, the engagement of implementing and executing agencies and the country's long experience with environmental issues. The success of this pilot evaluation convinced the GEF to continue conducting CPEs in other countries.


  • GEF support is relevant to the national environmental agenda.
  • GEF support has produced global benefits in accordance with the GEF mandate, but benefits could be maximized.
  • GEF operational guidelines, such as project procedures and requirements, are unclear or difficult to fine, leading to confusion among stakeholders.
  • Mechanisms for tracking project progress are weak and access to them is limited.


  • Reinforce efforts to improve transparency in GEF project procedures.
  • Continue conducting CPEs in other countries.

GEF Council decision

  • The GEF Secretariat should improve information mechanisms for the GEF, especially the website, to make operational information available.
  • The GEF should make efforts to improve the transparence of project procedures from proposal through implementation.