CPE India
Evaluation Report:

The GEF Evaluation Office undertook an evaluation of its support to India across all GEF Agencies and programs between 1991-2012. From its inception until April 2012 the GEF had allocated US$340 million through 49 approved national projects in India. India is also a participant in 16 regional and global projects supported by the GEF. The CPE for India assessed how GEF activities have performed in terms of producing results, and how those results link to national environmental and sustainable development agendas as well as to the GEF mandate of generating global environmental benefits in its focal areas. The CPE provided feedback and knowledge sharing to the GEF Council and informed decision-making in terms of strategy, resource allocation and policy going forward. It also informed the Government of India and the different agencies and organizations involved in GEF-funded projects.

Supporting Documents

Evaluation Learnings

Evaluation Learnings