Garcia, J.R. and A. Zazueta (2015): Going beyond mixed methods to mixed approaches: A systems perspective for asking the right questions, in: Befani, B.; B. Ramalingam; and E. Stern (eds.) "Towards Systematic Approaches to Evaluation and Impact", IDS Bulletin Vol. 46.1, Brighton: IDS.

The Institute of Development Studies (IDS) Bulletin Towards Systematic Approaches to Evaluation and Impact was released in January where GEF IEO colleagues, Jeneen R. Garcia and Aaron Zazueta, collaborated on the article "Going Beyond Mixed Methods to Mixed Approaches: A Systems Perspective for Asking the Right Questions". Rather than advocating for a particular evaluation approach or methodology, they proposed that (1) beyond the intervention's theory of change (TOC), the complex system within which the intervention has taken place and intends to make an impact must also be examined, and (2) specific elements of an intervention's TOC and the larger system must be understood to have a systematic basis for determining what evaluation questions need to be asked. They further added that only then can the appropriate evaluation approaches and methods be identified, and adapted as this understanding increased over the course of the evaluation.

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