APR 2013
Evaluation Report:

The report presents a detailed overview of the performance of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) activities and processes, key factors affecting performance, and the quality of Monitoring and Evaluation systems (M&E) within the GEF partnership. The tenth Annual Performance Report (APR) includes first-time coverage of 160 completed projects - the largest single APR year cohort to date.

The issues addressed in the APR 2013 include reports on project outcomes, sustainability of outcomes, quality of project implementation and execution, trends in co-financing, trends in project completion extensions, quality of project monitoring and evaluation systems, and quality of terminal evaluation reports. The APR also features two sub-studies, one updating the OPS5 analysis on Council Approval and CEO Endorsement stages related time lags and other examining the effect of co-financing on the GEF project cycle.

Supporting Documents