APR 2023 Behavioral Change
Evaluation Report:

The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) prepares the Annual Performance Report (APR) to provide an overview of the performance of GEF activities and processes, the key factors that affect performance, quality of Monitoring and Evaluations systems (M&E), and the Management Action Record (MAR). In addition, APR2023 will include a special theme on the use of behavior change approaches in GEF activities.

This paper discusses the key questions, methodology, arrangements for stakeholder involvement, evaluation products, and calendar of activities for APR2023. Two peer feedback providers will provide quality assurance. The emerging findings of APR2023 will be shared across the GEF Partnership through an interagency meeting to facilitate discussion and feedback on the draft report. The findings of APR2023 will be presented at the GEF Council's meeting in June 2023

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