Annual Performance Report (APR) 2010

The GEF Seventh Annual Performance Report (APR) 2010, prepared by the GEF Evaluation Office focuses on completed projects for which terminal evaluations were submitted during fiscal year 2010 (FY 2010). The full report presents an assessment of project outcomes, project sustainability, project completion delays, materialization of cofinancing, and the quality of monitoring and evaluation in completed projects. The report's main focus is on terminal evaluations from 48 projects submitted to the Evaluation Office in FY2010, accounting for US$177 million in GEF funding.

The report contains the following recommendations and issues for the future:

  1. The GEF Evaluation Office and GEF Agencies to further review the terminal evaluations process to ensure a streamlined process with fewer delays, and improve project information.
  2. The GEF EO will assess reporting systems being used by any new Agencies partnering with the GEF regarding terminal evaluation processes.
  3. The GEF EO will look for innovative and new ways to review data on completed projects.

The following conclusions were reached by the evaluation:

  1. 92 per cent of completed projects rated in the satisfactory range for outcome achievements.
  2. GEF Agencies on average reported higher than expected levels of cofinancing.
  3. The quality of M&E arrangements fluctuates between projects - 68 per cent were rated moderately satisfactory or above since 2006.
  4. 86 per cent of terminal evaluations submitted in FY2010 were rated moderately satisfactory or above.
  5. No improvement was reported on the long term lags between Terminal Evaluation Report completion and submission to the GEF Evaluation office.