IEO Newsletter - July 2022


Latest news and development from the GEF Independent Evaluation Office: click here to read the full issue

Podcast: Innovative Evaluation Methods for Transformational Change with GEF IEO


How is the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) using innovative methods for transformational change in its evaluations? Listen to Geeta Batra, GEF IEO Chief Evaluation Officer and Deputy Director, at…

New Book: Transformational Change for People and the Planet


Unique insider perspective to evaluation policy and practice in leading international development organizations

Learning from top thinkers and practitioners at the forefront of evaluation focusing on environment and sustainable development in an international context


Supporting accountability and learning with an open mind


Geeta Batra is the Chief Evaluator and Deputy Director of the GEF Independent Evaluation Office, which assesses the progress and impact of Global Environment Facility interventions. In an interview, she shared life lessons from her work evaluating innovative environmental…