The Project Performance Report (PPR) presents the results of the 1997 Project Implementation Review (PIR), a monitoring process based upon reporting by the GEF Implementing Agencies (IAs) on all projects being implemented for at least one year as of June 1997. The PIR covers 105 projects. This PPR also draws on information about the performance of GEF programs from evaluations and other studies.
The findings within PIRs are designed to help refine the GEF operation program, improve project design and management, identify scientific and technical questions for further consideration, and identify lessons learned and topics for further evaluation.
The report includes the following general conclusions and recommendations:
- Agencies rated 34 per cent of projects in this report as highly satisfactory on implementation progress or prospects for achieving global environmental objectives; 16 per cent were rated unsatisfactory on at least one measure.
- Some GEF Agencies are not doing enough around stakeholder participation.
- Involving the private sector as partners can be done by providing opportunities for interaction with government agencies on issues affecting them. However, there is a danger incentives used to attract private businesses could make the continuation of activities difficult once GEF funding ends.
- More precise definitions are needed around the intended results and impacts of capacity building work.
- Information dissemination and public awareness raising activities are vital for stimulating the adoption of new technologies, behavior, strengthening project ownership, and creating an enabling environment.
- More systematic effort is needed to identify and disseminate information on performance indicators for GEF projects and programs.